Bingham West

Result announced Friday, May 7, 2021 11:51 AM

Turnout 39.2%

Electorate 6962

Issued ballot papers 2729

Spoilt ballot papers 13

Elected Candidate Party
Jonathan Neil Clarke The Conservative Party Candidate

Vote share by party


Name Party Votes Share
Jonathan Neil Clarke The Conservative Party Candidate CON 1,581 58.2%
Debbie Merryweather Labour Party LAB 569 20.9%
Chandler Pax Wilson Green Party GRN 254 9.4%
John Coningsby Edwards Liberal Democrat LIB 212 7.8%
Ted Birch Reform UK RUK 100 3.7%

Votes by candidate


Party Seats Votes Share of vote Share +/-
CON 1 1,581 58.2% +2.9%
LAB 0 569 21.0% +0.8%
GRN 0 254 9.4% +9.4%
LIB 0 212 7.8% +7.8%
RUK 0 100 3.7% +3.7%